Blue Horseradish’s customized paid search advertising strategies and management services lend greater visibility to clients’ websites. Blue Horseradish:
- Develops, optimizes and manages web paid search advertising campaigns on Google and Bing search engines
- Create and manage paid advertising programs for industry-relevant online publications like NASA’s Tech Briefs
- Develops, optimizes and manages paid advertising programs on social media sites
- Creates and manages paid listings on industry directories such as ThomasNet®
- Analyzes the effectiveness of existing advertising
Benefits of Using Blue Horseradish
Blue Horseradish has implemented successful paid search advertising campaigns for many clients. Blue Horseradish’s emphasis on customization and flexibility helps control costs. Additionally, Blue Horseradish’s spend analysis and continual improvement philosophy can reduce cost and ensure clients get the most out of each ad campaign.
Blue Horseradish is a certified Google Partner for paid search advertising on Google Ads and meets all requirements necessary to maintain this certification.
While some paid search advertising providers create client ad campaign accounts in their own names, Blue Horseradish creates accounts in clients’ names. This means there is no loss of continuity or history if the work is later taken over by the client.
Paid Search Advertising Approach
Blue Horseradish’s typical strategy is to augment clients’ organic SEO activities. Paid search advertising supports SEO, but is typically not the primary — and certainly not the only — online marketing activity.
Blue Horseradish recommends implementing paid search advertising during:
- The initial phase of SEO work as organic rankings are being earned
- The development of a new site to align with new SEO strategies and be ready for site promotion when launched
- When launching a website on a new domain. New domains inherently have low link popularity, so it is necessary to bolster SEO with a robust advertising strategy.
In addition to getting more web traffic for certain keyphrases, a solid paid search advertising strategy can help test new keyphrases, check their current popularity, and determine whether or not they produce qualified leads. Blue Horseradish also advises using it as a competitive strategy when competitors rely heavily on it. Lastly, Blue Horseradish recommends maintaining the strategy when metrics indicate it is providing a good return on investment.
Contact Blue Horseradish
Blue Horseradish is looking for a few good companies to work with on paid search advertising… companies that want to get more out of their website and online marketing. Interested? Contact Blue Horseradish now to start getting results.