Relevant and engaging content is a critical factor in every website’s success. Content is important because potential customers rely on it to determine the uniqueness, benefits, suitability, features, functions and specifications of products and services. Content is also a major factor in search engine rankings — search engines reward web pages that have good content with good rankings. Lastly, good web content establishes and reinforces a company’s credibility.
Why are content marketing services necessary? Because many do not realize the value of content, few can develop content effectively and few understand the degree to which the success of a website’s performance depends on it.
Engaging content is relevant and accurate, and paramount to SEO success. Relevant, precise, high-quality content engages potential customers in whatever part of the buying cycle they are in and demonstrates the trustworthiness of a site. Content should also be diverse — in addition to text, websites can leverage photos, interactive elements, graphics, case studies, white papers, PDFs and video.
Regularly updating content is another key to SEO success. Companies can get the most from search engine optimization by consistently replenishing and enhancing a site with new engaging content. By consistently updating web content, search engines re-index and rank web pages, providing new opportunities for conversion.
Organizing content in a way that allows users to quickly find relevant information is another important part of a solid SEO strategy. Having a logically structured site helps users find the information they need so that the site becomes a resource. This lends credibility to the site and to the business.
Benefits of Content Marketing Services
For over 10 years, Blue Horseradish has created web content for companies that specialize in manufacturing industrial products and in providing highly technical engineering services. Blue Horseradish also has experience crafting content for companies that offer consumer products, professional services, and nonprofit services.
Many of Blue Horseradish’s client pages are well-ranked on search engines since the SEO copywriting is “baked in” during the development of the website. The content Blue Horseradish creates is optimized at the same time, saving time and making the process more efficient.
The short-term downside of outsourcing web copywriting is the additional cost. On the other hand, the short-term benefit of having a website launched and producing results quickly, combined with the long-term benefit of having optimized web content created by an SEO copywriter, can easily outweigh the initial cost of outsourcing.
Contact Blue Horseradish
Blue Horseradish is looking for good companies to work with on SEO copywriting… companies that want to get more out of their website and online marketing. Interested? Contact Blue Horseradish now to start getting results.